Sunday, March 27, 2011

Where does the time go?!

Well, I pulled back out my old journal to start writing this evening while I had some time to myself, and I realized that I can type so much faster than I can write. So I think keeping up with a blog will be much easier for me than trying to keep up with a journal. I do intend to update regularly (feel free to hold me to that if I don't), and I will admit that I'm excited to become a part of the blogger world. I have been reading blogs daily for years now, so I guess it's time for me to "give back". However, don't expect any profound statements here (like I find on many of the wonderful blogs that I read)...just real life. :)

Sara is almost six months old...I have no idea how the time has passed so quickly. God has blessed us beyond measure. My heart is full. In Sara's first six months of life, I have experienced more joy than I thought possible. Who knew being woken up at 3 a.m. could be "exciting"?! ...but it is knowing that I get to hold and love on my sweet baby girl. I love seeing her - any time of any day! She is a joy to Jeff and me both. And, oh, to see Jeff love on her is overwhelming! He is an incredible daddy - Sara and I are two very lucky girls. Seeing my dear husband take care of her and make her smile and giggle makes this momma very happy. And to see the joy that Sara brings to her grandparents and great-grandparents is such a blessing. She will never doubt if she is loved.

As a new mommy, I have trouble finding the time to eat 3 meals/day - much less keep up with a blog, but I think it will be worth it to have posts to look back at that document our daily life as a family of 3.

Thanks for reading!